Project: Successful Caregiver Communication and Everyday Situation Support in dementia care

Acronym SUCCESS (Reference Number: aal-call-2016-089)
Duration 01/03/2017 - 01/03/2020
Project Topic When people with dementia lose their abilities for communication and everyday tasks, it needs adapted strategies from the surrounding people to avoid misunderstandings that could lead to stress, helplessness, ggressive situations and caregiver burnout. However, most people are not trained to appropriately interact with people with dementia. SUCCESS provides an innovative training application on the user’s mobile device to support and accompany caregivers, relatives and people working in public to appropriately and effectively interact with people with dementia, based on existing communication and interaction strategies. Furthermore, it provides strategies for emotional support as to maintain on the carers’ own identity. Live role-plays with an avatar suffering from dementia will allow realistic scenarios with a practical orientation to better integrate the learning in real settings. After the training, the avatar gives concrete feedback to the user. The avatar can further demonstrate typical non-verbal communication of people with dementia and provide companionship to users. Additionally, gamification elements motivate the user to increase their knowledge about interaction strategies and everyday activities with people living with dementia. Based on design innovation methods and a continuous involvement of all relevant stakeholders (caregivers, experts and people with dementia) to the service and business model development, SUCCESS reduces the physical, psychological and social impact on caregivers and family members but also for the people they care for. It increases caregivers' emotional stability and guides them to balance their care activities with their own private life and interests. It is the aim of our strongly business oriented consortium, to create a service concept that has very high chances of hitting the market within 2 years after project end.
Network AAL 2
Call Call 2016 - Living well with dementia

Project partner

Number Name Role Country
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Austria
Citard Services LTD Cyprus
EURAG Austria
Exthex Austria
Romanian Alzheimer Society Romania
Singular Logic Romania Computer Application SRL Romania
University of Lethbridge Canada
University of Oslo Norway