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Topic identifier & Title SC5-35-2020: ERA-NET Cofund action on enhancing urban transformation capacities
Instrument ERA-NET Cofund
Budget 5M€
Call closure 13 Feb 2020

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Organisation Contact Country Description P2P Networks
Project Work Groups Uday Teki
United States We are a startup, a global think tank, focussed and committed to develop & implement data-driven solutions in rural and mountain communities. Our key areas of focus are in Food Security, Health, and Clean Energy Initiatives and Programs in remote regions worldwide. We provide Research, Engineering, and Innovative Solutions to improve programs, projects, processes, and systems. Use of latest tech solutions such as AI, ML, AR, IoT, etc not only enhances how we support our client/leaders' programs' and initiatives, where we serve but also help them to improve the desired outcomes and results. 0